Leadership teams at all levels have a lot of meetings, many if not most of them important and necessary. Some are operational, report-out meetings that measure bi-weekly or quarterly performance against targets and allow the tactical shifts necessary to make their numbers, address issues that arise, and allow for enough operational agility to deal with changes in the external and internal environments. Other meetings are briefings – information exchanges designed to keep everyone on the same page about enterprise and organizational shifts. There are no shortage of meetings in Corporate America.
The “Advance” is a different sort of animal. It is dialogue-driven, strategically focused, and often quite personal. We call it an “Advance” for a reason: It is focused on the Now and the New – on the powerful present and the ever-present future. It is relevant, pragmatic, and honest – an exercise in aligning and utilizing the collective intelligence of the senior team. And given that the real commodity of senior leaders is time, an Advance has to be thought of as something different – as essential, and unique.
It is a different sort of meeting. It is agenda-driven, but lightly so as the direction of the meeting follows what is most important to talk about and is steered by the energy in the room. It begins by asking the question “What, if anything, has changed and how does that impact our strategic direction and critical priorities?” This question is especially important in this time of increased complexity, speed of change, and global connectedness.
Our bias is that any Advance of one to two days should contain several essential components that deserve honest and real dialogue:
This Advance should be thought of as special time and should be held, typically off-site, every quarter. Teams that are in significant change, new teams, and teams with new leadership may require more frequent meetings. It is a mandatory meeting, with clear and agreed rules of the road about participation, listening, confidentiality, and distractions. The key here is open and honest dialogue about the stuff that matters the most.